Extreme Networks EXOS/Switch Engine Basics

Hello everyone, and happy new year. A bit late but oh well.

It’s been a while, but a lot has happened which kept me from posting.

Anyway, today I want to check out the Extreme Networks EXOS/Switch Engine switches.

To get started with a minimal setup (since I don’t have any physical switches available), I’ll be using GNS3 for simulation purposes. For those who may need a refresher, I previously created a guide to setting up GNS3, which can be found here.

You can get the link to the image from GNS3 marketplace without creating a Extreme Networks account, which is pretty nice.

In this post, we’ll begin with the basics of creating VLANs and assigning IP addresses. To facilitate this, I’ll create a simple topology consisting of two virtual switches and two Linux systems, allowing us to test connectivity and test the capabilities of these switches.

client-01VLAN 10 (LAB)
client-02VLAN 10 (LAB)

First Steps

Setting up the switch

Let’s get started with setting up our virtual switches using GNS3. We’ll begin by booting them up and logging in as the default admin user, which has no password initially.

As we configure our switches, we’ll be prompted to answer some security-related questions. For this, I’ll accept the default settings to keep things simple.

Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) is enabled by default to prevent
broadcast storms

Would you like to disable MSTP? [y/N/q]:

The switch offers an enhanced security mode. Would you like to read more,
and have the choice to enable this enhanced security mode? [y/N/q]:

Telnet is enabled by default. Telnet is unencrypted and has been the target of
security exploits in the past.

Would you like to disable Telnet? [y/N/q]:

SNMP access is disabled by default. SNMPv1/v2c uses no encryption, SNMPv3 can be
configured to eliminate this problem.

Would you like to enable SNMPv1/v2c? [y/N/q]:

Would you like to enable SNMPv3? [y/N/q]:

All ports are enabled by default. In some secure applications, it may be more
desirable for the ports to be turned off.

Would you like unconfigured ports to be turned off by default? [y/N/q]:

No failsafe account username and password are in effect. If you choose to
configure them, please remember them because they cannot be recovered.
Would you like to configure the failsafe username and password now? [y/N/q]:

Since you have chosen less secure management methods, please remember to
increase the security of your network by taking the following actions:

* change your admin password

* EXOS-VM.1 #

Next, let’s secure our switches by setting a password for the admin user. To do this, we’ll use the following command to set a new password.

For clarity, I’ll only show the configuration commands and output of both switches, if there are any differences between the two.

EXOS-VM #  configure account admin password
Current user's password:
New password:
Reenter password:

Let’s set the hostname for our switches. To do this, we’ll use the “configure snmp” command. Replace the colored text with your desired hostname.

# Switch 01
EXOS-VM # configure snmp sysName EXOS-01
# Switch 02
EXOS-VM # configure snmp sysName EXOS-02

Show commands

Alright. Now let’s go through a few “show” commands to get a better idea of the current setup.

EXOS-01 #  show ports
Port Summary
Port Display VLAN Name Port Link Speed Duplex
# String (or # VLANs) State State Actual Actual
1 Default E A 100 FULL
2 Default E R
3 Default E R
4 Default E R
5 Default E R
6 Default E R
7 Default E R
8 Default E R
9 Default E R
10 Default E R
11 Default E R
12 Default E A 100 FULL
Port State: D-Disabled, E-Enabled, F-Disabled by link-flap detection,
L-Disabled due to licensing
Link State: A-Active, R-Ready, NP-Port not present, L-Loopback,
D-ELSM enabled but not up,
d-Ethernet OAM enabled but not up,
B-MACsec enabled but blocked awaiting authentication

If you’d like to prevent the output from refreshing every second, you can use the following command.

EXOS-01 #  show ports no-refresh

Next, let’s display the VLANs.

EXOS-01 #  show vlan
Untagged ports auto-move: Inform
Name VID Protocol Addr Flags Proto Ports Virtual
Active router
Default 1 --------------------------------T-------------- ANY 2 /12 VR-Default
Mgmt 4095 ----------------------------------------------- ANY 0 /1 VR-Mgmt

We currently have two defaults VLANs configured. VLAN 1 and VLAN 4095. The latter is used for the OOBM (Out-of-Band Management) and assigned to a different VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding), indicated on the right side of the output.

We can display the ports and their assigned VLANs with the following command.

EXOS-01 #  show ports vlan
show ports vlan
Port /Tagged VLAN Name(s)
-------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------
1 Untagged Default
2 Untagged Default
3 Untagged Default
4 Untagged Default
5 Untagged Default
6 Untagged Default
7 Untagged Default
8 Untagged Default
9 Untagged Default
10 Untagged Default
11 Untagged Default
12 Untagged Default

Creating VLANs

Let’s create a few VLANs and assign VLAN 10 to port 1. For this we will be using the “create” and “configure” commands.

# Create VLAN 10 with the name "LAB" and assign it the port 1 untagged and tagged to port 12.
EXOS-01 # create vlan LAB tag 10
EXOS-01 # configure vlan LAB add port 1 untagged ## Linux client assigned to this port
EXOS-01 # configure vlan LAB add port 12 tagged ## Link to the second switch

# Create VLAN 20 with the name "OFFICE" and tag port 12.
EXOS-01 # create vlan OFFICE tag 20
EXOS-01 # configure vlan OFFICE add port 12 tagged

# Check the configuration
EXOS-01 # show vlan
Untagged ports auto-move: Inform
Name VID Protocol Addr Flags Proto Ports Virtual
Active router
Default 1 --------------------------------T-------------- ANY 1 /11 VR-Default
LAB 10 ----------------------------------------------- ANY 2 /2 VR-Default
Mgmt 4095 ----------------------------------------------- ANY 0 /1 VR-Mgmt
OFFICE 20 ----------------------------------------------- ANY 0 /0 VR-Default

EXOS-01 # show ports vlan
Port /Tagged VLAN Name(s)
-------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------
1 Untagged LAB
2 Untagged Default
3 Untagged Default
4 Untagged Default
5 Untagged Default
6 Untagged Default
7 Untagged Default
8 Untagged Default
9 Untagged Default
10 Untagged Default
11 Untagged Default
12 Untagged Default
Tagged LAB

Assigning IP addresses to the vlan interfaces

Alright. Let’s assign an IP to the VLANs.

# Set the IP address
EXOS-01 # configure vlan LAB ipaddress
EXOS-01 # configure vlan OFFICE ipaddress
# Set the IP address
EXOS-02 # configure vlan LAB ipaddress
EXOS-02 # configure vlan OFFICE ipaddress

Testing connectivity

Next, we will be using the Linux systems connected to each switch to ping and check for connectivity between them. For this, we need to assign an IP address to each client in the same network.

# setup IP address on clients
client-01 # ifconfig eth0
client-02 # ifconfig eth0

# Ping client-02 from client-01
client-01 # ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.38 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.98 ms

Command list

Here are the commands in a comprehensive list for quick access.

### Configuration
# set password
EXOS-VM # configure account admin password

# set hostname
EXOS-VM # configure snmp sysName <hostname>

# create VLAN
EXOS-VM # create vlan <vlan-name> tag <vlan-tag>
EXOS-VM # create vlan OFFICE tag 200

# set IP address for VLAN
EXOS-VM # configure vlan <vlan-name or vlan-id> ipaddress <ip-address/prefix>
EXOS-VM # configure vlan OFFICE ipaddress

# assign port to VLAN
EXOS-VM # configure vlan <vlan-name or vlan-id> add port <port-number> <tagged / untagged>
EXOS-VM # configure vlan OFFICE add port 5 tagged

# save configuration
EXOS-VM # save
### Show Commands
# show running configuration

# show vlan and assigned ip address
EXOS-VM # show vlan

# show vlan assigned to ports
EXOS-VM # show ports vlan

# show ports
EXOS-VM # show ports

# show ports no refresh
EXOS-VM # show ports no-refresh

# show ports with VLAN tag
EXOS-VM # show ports tag 200

# show configuration
EXOS-VM # show configuration

# show configuration for specific module
EXOS-VM # show configuration vlan

Ok. That’s it for today. I will go into more details the next time I guess, but this should be enough for now.

Alright. Till next time.

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