Finding physical device in a network with only IP and MAC


Today, I want to go through the process of finding a physical device in a network if you only have an IP address or a MAC address. This is my way of doing it, and it is very simple actually. Of course there could be a better way of doing it, I don’t know of.

For this example, I will be using Netgear and Aruba Switches, both of which we have in the office.

The process is, like I said, very simple, but our trainees tend to forget about it. We will be using the ARP table on the switches to pinpoint the exact port on which the device is.

Here is a simplified topology of the network. My goal is to find the “webterm-1” client. The MAC we have is the “a0:36:9f:5b:23:bb”

Let’s begin.

Using the ARP Table

This method assumes that at least one switch has registered the MAC address of that device. If not, it won’t show up in the address table. Also, this works in a flat (Layer 2) network. If you have a routed network, then, if you have the IP, you could use “tracert” on Windows or “mtr”/”tracepath”/”traceroute” on Linux to get the last hop and go from there.

The most logical point, to start, would be the core switch. Since it’s centralized, it allows us to quickly reduce the potential switches, the device could be connected to. We use Aruba Switches for our “core”, most of the access switches are Netgear. We will replace those in time, but this allows me to show the different CLI’s.

First, we log into the Aruba switch. This will be an Aruba 2930F. The output will be slightly modified for privacy reasons.

# List ARP table
core#  show arp
 IP ARP table

  IP Address       MAC Address       Type    Port
  ---------------  ----------------- ------- ----      000056-000000     dynamic 49     a0369f-5b23bb     dynamic 49     005006-000007     dynamic 49     001a8c-4c0008     dynamic 49  

We could also filter the search like this.

core#  show arp | include 23bb     a0369f-5b23bb     dynamic 49 

Ok, we have our device. As we can see, it’s on port 49, but since there are multiple devices on that port, we can assume that we have another switch on that port. Let’s check LLDP.

core#  show lldp info remote-device

 LLDP Remote Devices Information

  LocalPort | ChassisId          PortId             PortDescr SysName           
  --------- + ------------------ ------------------ --------- ------------------
  25        | f44d30-000000      f4 00 30 00 00 c7                              
  47        | 000000-c2c06c      fc 7f 00 c2 00 6c  eth0      Besprechungszim...
  49        | 53L69C5CF0036      3/0/51                       M4300-52G-PoE+    

Yes, it is another switch. One of the Netgear M4300 to be precise. We can get the IP address of that switch using LLDP. Not every device publishes the IP, but I know that the Netgear switches do.

core#  show lldp info remote-device 49
  Local Port   : 49
  ChassisType  : mac-address         
  ChassisId    : 000000-000000            
  PortType     : local                                                     
  PortId       : 3/0/51                                                    
  SysName      :                                 
  System Descr : M4300-52G-PoE+ ProSAFE 48-port 1G PoE+ and 2-port 10GBASE...
  PortDescr    :                                          
  Pvid         :                          

  System Capabilities Supported  : bridge, router
  System Capabilities Enabled    : bridge, router

  Remote Management Address
     Type    : ipv4
     Address :

Great. Let’s log into this switch.

Once logged in, we need to change into the “user privilege mode”. Here we can show the ARP table.

# Change into the "user privilege mode"
(M4300) >  enable

(M4300) #  show arp
Age Time (seconds)............................. 1200
Response Time (seconds)........................ 1
Retries........................................ 4
Cache Size..................................... 760
Dynamic Renew Mode ............................ Enable
Total Entry Count Current / Peak .............. 44 / 91
Static Entry Count Configured / Active / Max .. 0 / 0 / 128

  IP Address        MAC Address      Interface        Type        Age
---------------  -----------------  --------------  --------  -----------      00:50:56:00:00:00  vlan 1          Dynamic    0h  0m 13s      00:50:56:00:00:01  vlan 1          Dynamic    0h  2m 33s      00:00:56:00:00:02  vlan 1          Dynamic    0h 12m 15s      24:5E:00:00:00:C1  vlan 1          Dynamic    0h  0m 49s      24:5E:00:2C:00:BF  vlan 1          Dynamic    0h 10m 13s     9C:5A:00:00:ED:6C  vlan 1          Dynamic    0h  0m 54s     00:50:56:9E:F3:65  vlan 1          Dynamic    0h  6m 14s

Searching through over 200 addresses isn’t fun, so let’s filter it.

(M4300) #  show arp | include 23:BB     A0:36:9F:5B:23:BB  vlan 1          Dynamic    0h  0m  8s

Ok, the switch knows about the device, and we know it’s in VLAN 1. But it does not tell me the interface. I couldn’t find a way to show the port on which the MAC was, through the CLI, so let’s check the web UI.

Navigate to “Switching” -> “Address Table” and search for the mac address.

Alright, we have a port. Let’s search for the port, just to verify if there are more devices on that port.

Seems like we have our device now. Let us take a look at the LLDP information.

Alright, I am going to blur most of the information. It basically does not show up in the table. Which means we probably have our device.

The only thing left, would be to physically follow the cable to the device.

What if I only have an IP Address?

If you actually have an IP address than it becomes a lot easier. In case the switches do not have the MAC address in their table, you can just ping the device. This actually also works in case the system does not answer the ping request.

After pinging, the ARP table should be populated with the IP and MAC of the device. After that, you can just follow the steps above.

Bonus: Find Sophos Interface

This comes actually quite handy in finding which port a Sophos Firewall is attached to. Because for whatever reason they did not implement LLDP.

So, if you have access to the Sophos Web UI, then grab the MAC address of the interface you want, log into the directly attached switch and do a “show arp”. Or just ping the Gateway IP which will populate the table.

On a Sophos SG, you can get the MAC addresses through the “Hardware” tab.

On the Sophos XGS / Sophos Firewall, navigate to network and click on the hamburger menu on the right of the interface.

Alright. That’s it for today.

Hope this helps someone. Till next time.

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