Setting up NTFY with Ngnix-Proxy-Manager, authentication and Ansible notifications (Update)

(Update) I added the use of access tokens. Hi there, today I have something pretty cool. NTFY. An HTTP-based notification server, that also has a nice phone app. It allows…

Continue ReadingSetting up NTFY with Ngnix-Proxy-Manager, authentication and Ansible notifications (Update)

Installing required modules for Supermicro AOC SAS2LP-MV8 (Marvell 88SE9485) in CentOS 8/Rocky Linux 8 (Update)

This took me a while to figure out... So I have a "home server". It is basically a lot of old hardware thrown together with a bunch of hard disks,…

Continue ReadingInstalling required modules for Supermicro AOC SAS2LP-MV8 (Marvell 88SE9485) in CentOS 8/Rocky Linux 8 (Update)