ArubaOS-CX configuration via Ansible

Hello there.

As far as I am aware, there has been support for ansible from the beginning in the ArubaOS-CX switches, but there are not many guides on this (except the official webpage of course). So, I want to learn and while doing that, create this guide.

I showed how to setup ansible on Linux, with a short example, in a previous post. So if you don’t have a working ansible installation, check that one out first or go for one of the other dozens of excellent guides on the internet :-).

For this, I am using GNS3 with 4 ArubaOS-CX switches. Those are attached to my local network, which allows me to access them from my PC. The firmware on the switches is “10.08.0001”.

Using ansible we will create a LAG on ports 1/1/8-1/1/9 on every switch for the ISL link and configure VSX. Ports 1/1/1 and 1/1/2 will be the uplink ports using MC-LAG. Other than that, we will create a VLAN for the keepalive and set the hostname.

Preparing the ArubaOS-CX Switches

Let’s start with the switches. There are two things (three if you are not using the OOBM interface) we need to do before we can configure them via ansible. These steps are the same on every switch.

I am using the OOBM interface for the configuration with ansible. If you want to use a dedicated VLAN, you need to allow the https-server and the ssh connection from the attached VRF as well.

For the first steps, I will be using the GNS3 interface to connect to the switches. If these were actual hardware, I would use the serial port.

switch# conf
switch(config)# https-server rest access-mode read-write
If you don't use the OOBM interface
switch# conf
switch(config)# https-server rest access-mode read-write vrf default
switch(config)# ssh server vrf default

Next set a static IP.

switch(config)# interface mgmt
switch(config-if-mgmt)# ip static
switch(config-if-mgmt)# write mem

ArubaOS-CX Ansible Galaxy

On the ansible side, we need the modules etc. provided by Aruba through ansible galaxy.

fedora-kde :: ~ » ansible-galaxy collection install arubanetworks.aoscx
Process install dependency map
Starting collection install process
Skipping 'arubanetworks.aoscx' as it is already installed

I get a different message since I already installed it. If we want to update the collection we need to add “-f”.

fedora-kde :: ~ » ansible-galaxy collection install arubanetworks.aoscx -f
Process install dependency map
Starting collection install process
Installing 'arubanetworks.aoscx:3.1.0' to '/home/gokhan/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/arubanetworks/aoscx'
Skipping 'ansible.netcommon' as it is already installed

Next, switch to the newly created folder and install the additional requirements.

fedora-kde :: ~ » cd ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/arubanetworks/aoscx
fedora-kde :: aoscx » ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
fedora-kde :: aoscx » python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

That’s it for the preparation. Let’s create the files for ansible.

Creating the hosts file

Here is an example of a “hosts” file. If you set a password on the switches, make sure to fill that out (marked green). I will leave it empty since this is only a test environment.

Under the hostname of each switch, we have the host-specific variables. “ansible_host” defines the name or IP of each switch you want to connect to. Everything below that are variables we will use in the playbooks.

Under “vars” we have the global variables for the connection. At the bottom we have the global variables for the switches we will use in the playbooks.

fedora-kde :: ~ » cat ~/Nextcloud/Ansible/aruba-switch-hosts

          hostname: core1
          vsx_role: primary
          system_mac: 00:00:00:00:01:01

          hostname: core2
          vsx_role: secondary
          system_mac: 00:00:00:00:01:01

          hostname: agg01
          vsx_role: primary
          system_mac: 00:00:00:00:02:02

          hostname: agg02
          vsx_role: secondary
          system_mac: 00:00:00:00:02:02
        ansible_user: 'admin'
        ansible_password: ''
        ansible_connection: arubanetworks.aoscx.aoscx
        ansible_network_os: arubanetworks.aoscx.aoscx
        ansible_aoscx_validate_certs: False
        ansible_aoscx_use_proxy: False
        ansible_acx_no_proxy: True
        host_key_checking: False

### global variables for VSX
        keepalive_description: "KEEPALIVE"
        isl_interfaces: "1/1/8,1/1/9"
        isl_lag: "lag 128"
        keepalive_vlan: "999"
        mclag_interfaces: "1/1/1-1/1/2"
        mclag_id: "lag 1"

Creating the playbook

Next is a simple playbook.

We will create a single VLAN for the VSX keepalive using the REST API. The “command” module is used to set the hostname, create the LAG 128, add the interfaces to it and configure the SVI (Switch Virtual Interface) for the keepalive link.

We could create the LAG using the “aoscx_l2_interface”, but this won’t allow us to set specific parameters. Like the LACP mode for instance.

I will use it as an example and create LAG 127 with that module.

I wanted to show a few different examples using the dedicated module like “aoscx_vsx” or “aoscx_vlan_interface” but I keeps getting an error message when executing the playbook, telling me that ansible could not find the VSX module, while the VLAN interface module just wouldn’t create the interface itself. So I would have to manually create the interface first, which kinda defeats the purpose.

That’s why I will setup most of it, using the “command” module.

The task “Aruba facts” is used to gather facts about the switch for the next task. Here it will check if the VLAN already exists and skip if it does. This is not really necessary, but I wanted to see if and how it would work.

fedora-kde :: ~ » cat ~/Nextcloud/Ansible/playbooks/aruba/arubaos-cx/aruba-vsx-creation.yml
- hosts: all_aruba_switches
    - arubanetworks.aoscx
  gather_facts: true    
    - name: Aruba facts
        gather_network_resources: ['vlans', 'interfaces']
      register: facts_vlan_output

    - name: Create VLAN {{ keepalive_vlan }} with description and name
        vlan_id: "{{ keepalive_vlan }}"
        name: Keepalive
        description: VLAN {{ keepalive_vlan }} for Keepalive
        admin_state: up     # Optional. Default is "up"
        state: create       # Optional. Default is "create"
      with_items: "{{ facts_vlan_output.ansible_facts.ansible_network_resources.vlans.keys() | list | string | regex_search( keepalive_vlan ) }}"
      when: item != "{{ keepalive_vlan }}"

    - name: Create LAG 127 as an example
        interface: lag127
        vlan_mode: trunk
        admin_state: up
        state: create

- hosts: all_aruba_switches
    - arubanetworks.aoscx
    ansible_connection: network_cli   # For SSH connection
    - name: VSX Preparation
        commands: ['config',
          'hostname {{ hostname }}',
          'interface {{ isl_lag }}',
            'no routing',
            'no shutdown',
            'lacp mode active',
            'vlan trunk native 1',
          'interface {{ isl_interfaces }}',
            '{{ isl_lag }}',
            'no shutdown',
          'interface vlan {{ keepalive_vlan }}',
             'description {{ keepalive_description }}',
             'ip address {{ keepalive_ip }}',
             'no shutdown',

    - name: Create VSX configuration
        commands: ['config',
            'role {{ vsx_role }}',
            'keepalive peer {{ keepalive_peer }} source {{ keepalive_source }}',
            'system-mac {{ system_mac }}',
            'inter-switch-link {{ isl_lag }}',

    - name: Create MC-LAG
        commands: ['config',
          'interface {{ mclag_id }} multi-chassis',
            'no routing',
            'no shutdown',
            'lacp mode active',
            'vlan trunk native 1',
          'interface {{ mclag_interfaces }}',
            '{{ mclag_id }}',
            'no shutdown',

Take notice of the “vars” entry in the second playbook (marked red). This is required for the “aoscx_command” module since it cannot be used with the REST API. The “ansible_connection: network_cli” tells ansible to connect to the switches with SSH for this module to work.

I will attach a more readable version of the configuration files at the bottom of the post.

Running the playbook

Now with the configuration files, we can run the playbook.

“-i” specifies the “hosts” file.

fedora-kde :: ~ » ansible-playbook -i ~/Nextcloud/Ansible/aruba-switch-hosts ~/Nextcloud/Ansible/playbooks/aruba/arubaos-cx/aruba-vsx-creation.yml

TASK [Create MC-LAG] ************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [core1]
ok: [core2]
ok: [agg01]
ok: [agg02]

PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************************************
agg01                      : ok=7    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
agg02                      : ok=7    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
core1                      : ok=7    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
core2                      : ok=7    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0 

Listing the module documentation

Using “ansible-docs” we can get more information about the possible options the modules support.

“-M” defines the path to the module folder.

Here is an example for the “aoscx_vlan” module.

fedora-kde :: ~ » ansible-doc aoscx_vlan -M ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/arubanetworks/aoscx/plugins/modules/

You could also just access the text files under.:


Checking the running-config

Let’s take a look at one of the running configs.

agg01(config)# show running-config
Current configuration:
!Version ArubaOS-CX Virtual.10.08.0001
!export-password: default
hostname agg01
led locator on
ssh server vrf mgmt
vlan 1
vlan 999
    name Keepalive
    description VLAN 999 for Keepalive
interface mgmt
    no shutdown
    ip static
interface lag 1 multi-chassis
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan trunk native 1                                        
    vlan trunk allowed all
    lacp mode active
interface lag 127
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan trunk native 1
    vlan trunk allowed all
    lacp mode passive
interface lag 128
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan trunk native 1
    vlan trunk allowed all
    lacp mode active
interface 1/1/1
    no shutdown
    lag 1
interface 1/1/2
    no shutdown
    lag 1
interface 1/1/8
    no shutdown
    lag 128                                                    
interface 1/1/9
    no shutdown
    lag 128
interface vlan 999
    description KEEPALIVE
    ip address
    system-mac 00:00:00:00:02:02
    inter-switch-link lag 128
    role primary
    keepalive peer source
https-server vrf mgmt

I am quite happy with the results. It actually worked better than I expected. (Except the skipping the VLAN task part. That took me days to figure out).

I will see if I can implement this into future projects since it makes it so much more simple and is a lot of fun.

Well, I have nothing else to add.

See you next time.

Hosts file.:



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