Aruba 8360 basic and VSX configuration (Part 2)

Hey there.

This is part 2 of my Aruba 8360 basic and VSX configuration.

In this part, I want to go through the VSX and LAG/LACP configuration. I said I would do the configuration on the physical device. This turned out to be a bit of a hassle since there are a few parts still missing. So here I will do everything in the simulation. The configuration steps are identical. The only difference is that the Software Version will say “virtual”.

In Part 1 the configuration was the same on all 4 switches. Considering the project, there would be a few differences, like the uplinks to the access switches from the aggregation switches. But this won’t matter for the guide. Most of what I am showing here is only a representation and not the actual project. Since there is not really any difference in the actual configuration steps.

I will probably add a couple more parts to this series, once I actually deploy the devices, including the Aruba 2930F switches and the Aruba APs.

First I would want to connect the MGMT interface from the actual devices to our office network since I have to configure multiple devices for the VSX configuration. This will make it easier.

Default on ArubaOS-CX switches is DHCP for the MGMT interfaces, but I want to set it to a static IP in our network. I will start with the aggregation switches.

A closeup of the topology.

Let’s begin.

MGMT configuration

agg01# config
agg01(config)# interface mgmt
agg01(config-if-mgmt)# ip static

agg01(config-if-mgmt)# ip dhcp
agg01(config-if-mgmt)# exit

SSH connection

Now we can connect via SSH.

fedora-kde :: ~ » ssh admin@

VSX preparation

Ok, now we can start with the VSX configuration.

I will start with the LAG interface. I tend to set the LAG for the ISL on a higher number (128 in this case). But this is not required.

agg01(config)# interface lag 128
agg01(config-lag-if)# no routing
agg01(config-lag-if)# no shutdown 
agg01(config-lag-if)# lacp mode active
agg01(config-lag-if)# vlan trunk native 1
agg01(config-lag-if)# exit

Next, we will configure and assign the interfaces to the LAG.

agg01(config)# interface 1/1/1,1/1/2
agg01(config-if-<1/1/1,1/1/2>)# lag 128
agg01(config-if-<1/1/1,1/1/2>)# mtu 9198
agg01(config-if-<1/1/1,1/1/2>)# no shutdown
agg01(config-if-<1/1/1,1/1/2>)# exit

I will configure an SVI for the VLAN 999 and a separate VRF (the VRF is also not required but recommended) for the heartbeat/keepalive setting in VSX. The best practice would be to set up a dedicated L3 interface for this. But that’s not an option in this project.

agg01(config)# vrf KEEPALIVE
agg01(config-vrf)# exit

agg01(config)# vlan 999
agg01(config-vlan-999)# name KEEPALIVE
agg01(config-vlan-999)# exit

agg01(config)# interface vlan 999
agg01(config-if-vlan)# vrf attach KEEPALIVE
agg01(config-if-vlan)# ip address

The second switch has the exact same configuration, the only difference is the IP address for the keepalive VLAN 999

VSX configuration

That is it for the preparation. It’s time for the VSX configuration.

One of the recommended settings is the “system-mac”. For this, you should use one of the locally administered address ranges. These are.:

  • x2-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
  • x6-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
  • xA-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
  • xE-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx

The idea behind this is, to have an independent system-mac from the hardware mac of the device. This allows smoother hardware replacements in case one of the devices fails since you can just use the same configuration as the previous device without any impact on the VSX.

Let’s continue with the configuration.

agg01(config)# vsx
agg01(config-vsx)# system-mac 0A:01:00:00:01:00 
agg01(config-vsx)# inter-switch-link lag 128
agg01(config-vsx)# keepalive peer source vrf KEEPALIVE
agg01(config-vsx)# role primary
agg01(config-vsx)# vsx-sync mclag-interfaces neighbor ospf snmp ssh static-routes stp-global vrrp vsx-global

Do the same on the secondary switch. You only have to set the “vsx-sync” on the primary switch.

agg02(config)# vsx
agg02(config-vsx)# system-mac 0A:01:00:00:01:00 
agg02(config-vsx)# inter-switch-link lag 128
agg02(config-vsx)# keepalive peer source vrf KEEPALIVE
agg02(config-vsx)# role secondary
agg02(config-vsx)# exit

Once that’s done, the VSX Cluster should work. Let’s check that. (this is an output from the Simulation since the MPO cables didn’t arrive in time).

agg01(config)# show vsx status
VSX Operational State
  ISL channel             : In-Sync
  ISL mgmt channel        : operational
  Config Sync Status      : In-Sync
  NAE                     : peer_reachable
  HTTPS Server            : peer_reachable

Attribute           Local               Peer
------------        --------            --------
ISL link            lag128              lag128
ISL version         2                   2
System MAC          0a:01:00:00:01:00   0a:01:00:00:01:00
Platform            X86-64              X86-64
Software Version    Virtual.10.08.0001  Virtual.10.08.0001
Device Role         primary             secondary

agg01(config)# show vsx brief
ISL State                              : In-Sync
Device State                           : Peer-Established
Keepalive State                        : Keepalive-Established
Device Role                            : Primary
Number of Multi-chassis LAG interfaces : 0

We can see that everything is reachable and that the switches are in an “In-Sync” state.

Multi-chassis LAG/LACP configuration

Ok, now we will create a LAG/LACP interface, that stretches over both switches in a VSX (MC-LAG). The steps are basically the same as with a single switch. the only difference is in the very first command. Do not forget this step, since you cannot convert a “normal” LAG into a multi-chassis LAG. You would have to remove and recreate it.

agg01(config)# interface lag 1 multi-chassis
agg01(config-lag-if)# no routing
agg01(config-lag-if)# no shutdown 
agg01(config-lag-if)# lacp mode active
agg01(config-lag-if)# vlan trunk native 1
agg01(config-lag-if)# description UPLINK-core01.P1/1/8
agg01(config-lag-if)# exit

Add the interface.

agg01(config)# interface 1/1/8
agg01(config-if)# lag 1
agg01(config-if)# no shutdown
agg01(config-if)# description LAG1-UPLINK-core01.P1/1/8
agg01(config-if)# exit

Here is the configuration for the second switch.

agg02(config)# interface lag 1 multi-chassis
agg02(config-lag-if)# no routing
agg02(config-lag-if)# no shutdown 
agg02(config-lag-if)# lacp mode active
agg02(config-lag-if)# vlan trunk native 1
agg02(config-lag-if)# description UPLINK-core02.P1/1/8
agg02(config-lag-if)# exit
agg02(config)# interface 1/1/8
agg02(config-if)# lag 1
agg02(config-if)# no shutdown
agg02(config-if)# description LAG1-UPLINK-core02.P1/1/8
agg02(config-if)# exit

That’s it for the multi-chassis LAG configuration. Let’s check if everything is working.

Again this is from a simulation but the output is identical.

agg01(config)# show lacp interfaces
State abbreviations :
A - Active        P - Passive      F - Aggregable I - Individual
S - Short-timeout L - Long-timeout N - InSync     O - OutofSync
C - Collecting    D - Distributing 
X - State m/c expired              E - Default neighbor state

Actor details of all interfaces:
Intf       Aggr       Port  Port  State   System-ID         System Aggr Forwarding
           Name       Id    Pri                             Pri    Key  State     
1/1/8      lag1(mc)   8     1     ALFNCD  0a:01:00:00:01:00 65534  1    up        
1/1/1      lag128     2     1     ALFNCD  08:00:09:05:66:9a 65534  128  up        
1/1/2      lag128     3     1     ALFNCD  08:00:09:05:66:9a 65534  128  up        

Partner details of all interfaces:
Intf       Aggr       Port  Port  State   System-ID         System Aggr           
           Name       Id    Pri                             Pri    Key            
1/1/8      lag1(mc)   8     1     ALFNCD  08:00:09:3d:5c:7b 65534  10             
1/1/1      lag128     2     1     ALFNCD  08:00:09:74:42:09 65534  128            
1/1/2      lag128     3     1     ALFNCD  08:00:09:74:42:09 65534  128            

You can check the secondary switch with this command. The output looks basically the same.

agg01(config)# show lacp interface vsx-peer

A few more useful “show” commands.

agg01(config)# show lacp aggregates

Aggregate name   : lag1 (multi-chassis)              
Interfaces       : 1/1/8                             
Peer interfaces  : 1/1/8                             
Heartbeat rate   : Slow                              
Hash             : l3-src-dst                        
Aggregate mode   : Active                            

Aggregate name   : lag128                            
Interfaces       : 1/1/1 1/1/2                       
Heartbeat rate   : Slow                              
Hash             : l3-src-dst                        
Aggregate mode   : Active
agg01(config)# show lag brief
LAG     Type               Aggregate  Mode    Enabled  Status   Speed   
Name                       Mode                                 (Mb/s)  
lag1    multi-chassis      active     trunk   yes      up       1000    
lag128  inter-switch-link  active     trunk   yes      up       2000   

VLAN VSX synchronization

A small “bonus” entry. 🙂 Would be pointless to create a separate post for this.

VSX acts more like a cluster than a stack, which means we have two separate management planes. This does not mean that we have to make every change on both switches though. You probably saw earlier that we enabled synchronization for protocols like OSPF or VRRP (See “VSX configuration” of the first switch). Here is a picture taken from an Aruba Document, comparing the traditional stack to VSX to make it a bit clearer.

You might also have noticed that there is no global option for VLAN synchronization.

There is a different way for this. Here is an example.

agg01(config)# vlan 100

agg01(config-vlan-100)# vsx-sync
agg01(config-vlan-100)# exit

You can see that the VLANs with the “vsx-sync” setting are synced to the secondary device (red), but VLANs 15 and 20 are only on the primary (green) and 30, 35 only on the secondary (purple).

agg01(config)# show running-config
vlan 1,10,15,20
vlan 25
vlan 100
vlan 999
agg02(config)# show running-config
vlan 1,10
vlan 25
vlan 30,35
vlan 100
vlan 999

Below I will attach the configuration of every switch shown in the topology, in case you want to build it yourself.

In the next part, I will go through the configuration of the Aruba 2930F switches including VSF Stacking and Device Profiles for the Aruba APs.

Till next time.





This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Matt

    interface vlan 999
    ip address

    You need to do add the VRF since vsx is referencing that VRF.
    interface vlan 999
    ip address

    1. Gökhan

      Hi Matt,

      thank you for the comment. You are correct, we need to attach the vlan interface 999 to the vrf KEEPALIVE. It was missing in the configuration dump for the core switches.
      I will correct it. Thank you for pointing it out.

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